Mother's Milk Is A Precious Gift !

A Baby Should Not Be Fed Cow's Milk Only, Mother's Milk Is A Precious Gift !

Mother's Milk Is A Precious Gift !
Mother's Milk Is A Precious Gift !

Cow's milk, formula milk, human milk bank, etc. do not have enough nutrients for the physical development of the baby. Modern women are not so interested in feeding their babies. So they look for alternatives to breastfeeding. Formula milk has made it easy. They thought that only the formula milk available in the market can satisfy the baby's hunger but which is a misunderstanding.

Some people are also feeding cattle milk. But there is nothing equal to mother's milk. Mother's milk is a precious gift for a baby. There is no alternative to it.

Every baby and mother's nature is different. For any baby, own mother's milk is special. Because the mother's milk comes according to the physical and mental needs of the baby. It not only quenches the baby's hunger and thirst, but also provides complete nutrition for its physical and mental development.

Therefore, one mother's milk is not suitable for another baby. Nutrients that are present in one mother's milk are not exactly the same in another infant. Therefore, mothers should breastfeed their babies. No other food element can supply the baby with the necessary milk.

What is the importance of breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a baby's natural medicine. Which has no disadvantages. Breast milk acts as medicine along with food. Breast milk has the power to fight viruses and bacteria. Due to this, milk also protects against various diseases. Also, if the child is fed a lot of milk when he is suffering from the disease, it also helps to cure the disease. According to the child's age, mother's milk is like nectar in physical, mental and emotional development. Therefore, breastfeeding the child is not only to make him healthy but also to enforce his rights. It also benefits the mother's health. Abundant breastfeeding also helps reduce bleeding during delivery. It also helps the uterus to return to its proper place in time. It also does family planning. If it reduces mental and physical stress, the rate of breastfeeding is lower than that of non-breastfeeding mothers.

Formula milk does not contribute to the infant's antibodies

If possible, the mother should breastfeed her baby regularly for two years. But in some cases, mother's milk may not come. Breastfeeding can be difficult. In the case of breast cancer, what to do if there is no milk?

Only formula milk is made as an alternative to this. Formula milk is produced based on the nutrients found in mother's milk. Formula milk is prepared according to certain standards by combining the amount of protein, vitamins, minerals and fat in mother's milk. It gives nourishment to the baby. Mother's milk does not contribute to the production of antibodies.

When taking formula milk, it should be taken with high liquid protein. Breast milk contains 70 percent liquid protein, which plays a role in the physical development of the baby and prevents constipation.

What role does breastfeeding play in mental, physical, intellectual and child health?

Macro and micro vitamins are found in mother's milk. It plays a very important role for physical protection and physical growth development. The various nutrients found in milk help the child grow according to his age. By the age of two, a child's brain should be developing the most. A mother who breastfeeds abundantly has a developed brain. If you don't get enough milk at the age of two years, physical, mental and intellectual development will be hindered.

importance of breastfeeding

How to pay attention to the diet of breastfeeding mothers and what to eat?

For that, the mother also eats nutritious foods. One should take proper care of health. Regular intake of all the necessary nutrients during pregnancy should be done. As the baby also needs to suckle milk, the family should pay special attention to the nutritious food of the mother. Only if the mother eats the necessary and nutritious food in abundance, the baby will get milk in the same way. Therefore, mothers should pay special attention to eating nutritious items such as fish, meat, vegetables, and eggs.

If breastfeeding is not complete, what will be the impact on the child's immediate and long-term health?

Of course, this can create various problems. Growth does not develop with age. Malnutrition, infection of various diseases like diarrhea, pneumonia, respiratory problems can be seen immediately. On the other hand, a child who has not been breastfed for a long time may experience slow mood, breathing, asthma, pneumonia, and decreased digestive power. That is why breastfeeding is mandatory.

Cow's milk should not be given to infants

If possible, cow's milk should not be given to infants under one year of age. The World Health Organization has said not to give milk to cattle for two years. However, in our Asian countries, there is a misconception that the child will be strong when given cow's milk.

In fact, it is said not to give cow's milk because it is made for the calf of the cow. Human babies cannot digest this milk.

A cow's calf doubles its weight in 50 days. Whereas the weight of a human baby doubles in just 6 months. Cow's milk contains three times more protein and fat than mother's milk. Therefore, when feeding cattle milk, the infant's digestive system is immature and cannot digest it. Later there may be kidney problems. Could be a protein allergy.

When the infant is two years old, cow's milk can be given along with other foods.

What is special about mothers milk?

Mother's milk is 90 percent water. Therefore, it is said not to give water to babies up to 6 months. Apart from water, proteins, fats, mother's antibodies, minerals, calcium, vitamin B2, vitamins A, D and E including phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and many minerals and fats and energy are obtained from milk.

Various studies have shown that the risk of diabetes is reduced by 40 percent in babies who are regularly breastfed by their mothers, the risk of middle ear infections is reduced by 50 percent, chest infections and colds are reduced, and the risk of blood cancer is also reduced. Apart from that, the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is reduced by 35% in babies aged two to four months or babies under one year of age.

How long to give breast milk? Up to what age should breast milk be fed regularly?

Only mother's milk should be given to the baby for 6 months after birth. After that, milk should be fed for two years as much as possible. If the milk is still good after two years, it is considered good to finish the day. Breastfeeding eight to 12 times a day is essential. Both breasts should be sucked for 10 to 15 minutes every two to three hours. Milk should be given as soon as the baby asks for it. He should be fed milk when he cries, screams and does not sleep. That is a sign of hunger. 

It is heard that if the child breastfeeds for a long time, the physical beauty of the mother will be lost. Also, Can long term breastfeeding effects on mother? How does breastfeeding affect the mother?

Breastfeeding the baby is more beneficial than spoiling the mother's physical appearance. Because a mother who does not suck milk has a problem with curdling and ripening. But if the baby sucks a lot of milk, it prevents the problem of engorgement and ripening of milk. Breast cancer rates have also been found to be lower in breastfeeding mothers. Mother is thin. The love between mother and child increases. Because of this, the mother's mental stress is reduced. The mother's body is also active due to hormonal balance. Therefore, the physical appearance of the mother as well as the mental problems are reduced. Because of that, it is necessary to pay more attention to the health and safety of the child than the beauty of the body. Breastfeeding should not be seen in the same way as things that are associated with beauty.

Whole Nutrition

The baby gets all the nutrients it needs from the mother's milk. The health condition of the mother can make a difference. If the mother is healthy, well-rested, calm, and well-nourished, milk provides all the nutrients.

Until the child reaches two years of age, the mother does not eat nutritious food, does not have a balanced diet, while living a stressful life, the milk may not be fully nutritious.

If breastfeeding is a problem

The baby cannot breastfeed because the milk does not come out or the nipple is stuck inside. There is also an option for that. In that case, the doctor also teaches the method of how to pull the nipple.

They should encourage the baby to suck milk by pumping the mother's milk in different ways. If the baby does not suck, the milk will not come and gradually the milk will dry up. That's why babies are deprived of breastfeeding even if they don't practice because the nipple is inside and it's difficult.

Nutrition of lactating mothers

Doctors and nutritionists do not prescribe anything to eat this and not to eat that. But society has its own beliefs. It is said that this is not to be eaten, that is not to be eaten, and even that is believed, which may not be true. If you eat food that causes cold, food that is in the refrigerator, the child will also get cold. So you should pay attention to these things. Food is not something that should be eaten.

Vitamins and minerals in fruits should be eaten at the same time. Fenugreek, musuro dal, jawano jhol, dry fruits, sewai in milk and eating dry fruits also helps in milk production. It is better to eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, iron, and minerals five times a day as much as possible.

Human Milk Bank option only

This human milk bank was brought in view of the situation where it is impossible to consume mother's milk. This mother's milk is stored. It also depends on the child whether he accepts other mother's milk or not. Although the nature and needs of every mother and child are different, it is a good way to supplement with other mothers' milk rather than not being able to consume your own mother's milk. When feeding milk from the human milk bank, there is a decrease in intimacy with the mother.

Breastfeeding also benefits the mother

What many people do not understand is that breastfeeding is beneficial for the mother. While it benefits the mother equally. First, it helps to establish a strong bond with the baby. Similarly, the mother's weight decreases during breastfeeding.

Studies show that the risk of cervical and breast cancer is significantly lower than that of non-breastfeeding. If the baby is fed milk daily, it also acts as a natural contraceptive.

If you do not breastfeed, blood cholesterol is high, but if you breastfeed, it is under control. Hormonal changes in the mother also cause post-mortem depression. All that baby activity, breastfeeding, looking at the baby will decrease.

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